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Forging a Future

Implementing a circular economy model that is path breaking as it is inclusive, transparent, viable, profitable, sustainable, technologically advanced while establishing environmental harmony and social justice.

Core Values


At OpenGATE, truth is our guiding principle even in the face of difficulty, inconvenience, or discomfort.
We embrace accountability for mistakes, acknowledging them openly and taking swift, corrective actions.
Our commitment to truth reflects our dedication to authenticity and continuous improvement.


We understand that trust is the cornerstone of enduring relationships. OpenGATE builds unwavering confidence and loyalty among clients, employees, and partners through consistent, reliable actions.

Our promise is not merely spoken; it’s demonstrated through respect, integrity, and a steadfast commitment to delivering on every pledge made.


Openness and honesty are etched into the fabric of OpenGATE’s operations. We believe in transparent communication about our performance, goals, and operational intricacies.

This transparency extends to financial performance, business practices, and decision-making processes, fostering trust and confidence among all stakeholders.

Core values

Welcome to OpenGATE

A company passionately dedicated to revolutionizing industries through innovative solutions.

At the heart of our identity is a profound commitment to the triple bottom line (TBL), where social, environmental, and economic considerations converge harmoniously. OpenGATE and its subsidiaries pledge to deliver value that extends beyond the boardroom, positively influencing communities, customers, employees, stakeholders, and the environment alike.


As a collective force, we specialize in crafting sustainable and profitable strategies, empowering organizations to enhance efficiency, reduce environmental footprints, and cultivate robust relationships with stakeholders.



Embarking on a journey towards distinction, OpenGATE aspires to be renowned for unwavering commitment to transparency, truthfulness, and trust. We envision a collaborative ecosystem that not only nurtures innovation and excellence but also leaves an indelible, positive impact on the world.



Our mission at OpenGATE is to lay the groundwork for sustained business growth and triumph. We achieve this by constantly pushing boundaries, pioneering new frontiers of technology, and positioning ourselves at the forefront of our respective industries. Through relentless exploration, we ensure our relevance and ability to shape the future.

Group companies

Paripatram is dedicated to reshaping the future by championing the principles of the circular economy, fostering collaboration with a diverse array of stakeholders. Our mission revolves around guiding businesses and communities towards sustainable solutions in harmony with circular economy principles, emphasizing waste reduction, resource conservation, and extracting value from discarded resources.

At OpenGATE, compassion fuels our commitment to making a profound impact

socially, environmentally, and economically


We actively engage with communities, aiming to uplift and empower.


We tirelessly work to minimize our ecological footprint, championing sustainable practices.


Our strategies not only drive profitability but also foster economic well-being within the communities we operate, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

Let’s Work Together

Join us on this transformative journey, where innovation meets compassion and together we shape a future that is sustainable, inclusive and prosperous for all.

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